Wouldn't you love to get paid to do something you love to do?! Hows acting like a schizophrenic and rolling around a room full of paper? How about frantically drawing on that paper with charcoal followed by rolling around in those?! Well During the shoot for Madness that was exactly my job description ...well they didn't say that out right or anything.
Christopher Mahoney is a man who knows how to strum his guitar and make sounds that point to some of the greats. When I say point, I mean it reminds you of some other great guitar heros, (no reference to the popular X Box sensation.). It was for his song Madness that I had the pleasure of playing John, a welder who has been out of work for sometime and can no longer afford the basic things in life, like schizophrenia medication.
The scene is John in his barren basement apartment in BK, where he starts to have a breakdown. John's only comfort was searching for a pattern with in all of the voices he'd hear.
The shoot was awesome. Shoebox Story Productions had everyone maxing out in their specific positions, rather than bleeding over into each others' job descriptions. The Director Melyssa Vázquez was so great to work with. She was gracious to me while working with me and feeding me things as I worked. The process was organic and free. I was given very little hard line direction so I could go where the work was leading.